Alliance Defending Freedom is the world’s largest legal organization protecting
free speech, religious freedom and the value of human life. ADF was launched in
1994 by prominent Christians. Though most ADF clients are Christian, the
organization also defends Jews, Muslims, Mormons and secular individuals. ADF
believes freedom of speech and religion is for everyone and has stood up for
libertarian, conservative, pro-life and traditional students on college
campuses. Internationally, ADF has also worked to stop persecution and genocide
of Christians, Muslims and other religious groups.
Alliance Defending Freedom believes that freedom of speech, religion and the right to
life respect the inherent dignity and value of every human being. Freedom of
speech and religion allow each person to explore life’s most profound questions
without fear of government harassment or undue political pressure. These values
exist in the principles of limited government, constitutional rights and the
notion that a free and tolerant society requires citizens to extend the same
inherent rights to others that they want to enjoy themselves.
Most of the work that Alliance Defending Freedom undertakes is in the legal realm.
ADF famously won a significant court victory in the 2018 National Institute of Family and
Life Advocates (NIFLA) v. Becerra Case. When California passed
a law requiring pro-life pregnancy centers to offer their clients information
about how to obtain free or low-cost abortions, NIFLA rightfully claimed their
constitutional rights were being violated.
Alliance Defending Freedom took on the case and argued against the unconstitutional law
before the United States Supreme Court. NIFLA and ADF won when the Supreme
Court ruled and affirmed that the government cannot force Americans to support
or express messages that violate their deepest beliefs. The NIFLA case was a
perfect example of ADF standing up for the right to free speech, religion, and
life. Visit this page for
additional information.
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